Medicare payment cuts threaten access to clinical laboratory services and undermine our nation’s health care infrastructure. Tell Congress to protect patients and enact H.R. 2377 / S. 1000, the Saving Access to Laboratory Services Act (SALSA).

Screening and diagnostic tests performed by clinical laboratories inform life’s most important health care decisions.

Scheduled reimbursement cuts under the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) could jeopardize access to many of the clinical laboratory tests that are used to diagnose, monitor, and manage common diseases for more than 65 million seniors.

But the threat doesn’t stop there. After three prior rounds of up to 10 percent cuts, planned payment reductions of up to an additional 15 percent in 2025 may result in a weakened clinical lab infrastructure, making it more difficult to deliver routine health care and respond to the next public health crisis. Strong clinical laboratories are foundational to the U.S. health care system.

Medicare reimbursement cuts also weaken investment in the next generation of diagnostic tests, including those that enable personalized care for diseases like cancer.


Routine tests play a critical role in health care. Without congressional action, about 800 tests will face payment cuts. Learn more about how these tests are used and the potential impact of Medicare cuts on patients:

Skilled Nursing Facilities



Kidney, Heart and Liver Conditions


Chronic Kidney Disease



PAMA cuts could impact access to laboratory tests, including at:

Skilled Nursing Facilities

  • Most skilled nursing facilities are served six days per week by clinical laboratories that often provide same-day results to inform treatment options for patients.
  • Prior to the PAMA cuts, there were 25 clinical laboratories that specialized in providing care to skilled nursing facility patients. As of 2022, only six remained.
  • Without congressional action, the most frail, and vulnerable patients in skilled nursing facilities may experience compromised access to timely and comprehensive clinical laboratory testing essential to treating medically complex conditions.

PAMA cuts could impact clinical laboratory tests for many serious conditions, including:


  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 37.3 million adults in the United States have diabetes, and one in five of them do not know they have it. Almost 30 percent of seniors are living with Diabetes.
  • A1C is a routine blood test, typically ordered by a primary care provider, to assess if a patient has or might be at risk of developing diabetes, and it helps health care providers monitor diabetic patients’ average glucose levels over time.
  • In 2020, more than 17 million Medicare beneficiaries had a hemoglobin A1C test. Without congressional action, payment for this test will be cut an additional 13 percent in January 2025, making it potentially more difficult for seniors to access.

PAMA cuts could impact clinical laboratory tests for many serious conditions, including:

Heart Disease

  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death for Americans aged 65 and older.
  • In 2020, more than 28 million tests were ordered to diagnose and monitor heart disease, including tests to measure cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • Despite the enormous human health and economic burden of this disease, a number of commonly ordered tests collectively face an additional 14 percent reimbursement cut in 2025, without congressional action.

PAMA cuts could impact clinical laboratory tests for many serious conditions, including:

Kidney, Heart, and Liver Conditions

  • Comprehensive metabolic panel is a widely used routine blood test that helps providers diagnose, screen for, and monitor certain health conditions.
  • In 2021, about 40 million comprehensive metabolic panel tests were ordered for Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries to assess blood sugar and electrolyte levels, and for indications of how the kidneys, liver, and heart are functioning – including after a COVID-19 infection.
  • Payment for the comprehensive metabolic panel will be cut by an additional 14 percent in 2025, without congressional action.

PAMA cuts could impact clinical laboratory tests for many serious conditions, including:


  • Nearly 90,000 Medicare beneficiaries had testing commonly ordered to diagnose leukemia and hereditary breast and colon cancer in 2020.
  • Tests for hereditary colon cancer and leukemia are scheduled for an additional 15 percent rate reduction in 2025.
  • Tests for hereditary breast cancer will be cut by an additional 12 percent in 2025, without congressional action.

PAMA cuts could impact clinical laboratory tests for many serious conditions, including:

Chronic Kidney Disease

  • Laboratory tests that allow early diagnosis of chronic kidney disease are key to preventing kidney failure.
  • These critical laboratory tests were performed for more than 1.5 million Medicare beneficiaries in 2020. Unless Congress steps in, Medicare payment for these renal function panels will be cut by an additional 14 percent in January 2025.

PAMA cuts could impact clinical laboratory tests for many serious conditions, including:

Viral Hepatitis

  • Several viruses can cause hepatitis, or inflammation of the liver, that can lead to a reduction in liver function, cancer, and death.
  • Millions of clinical laboratory tests for Hepatitis B and C are ordered for Medicare beneficiaries each year in line with screening and diagnostic guidelines.
  • Various tests for Hepatitis B and C will be cut by an additional 11-15 percent in January 2025.

PAMA cuts could impact clinical laboratory tests for many serious conditions, including:

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

  • The number of Medicare beneficiaries with HIV has tripled since the 1990s and includes many who are dual-eligible for Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Hundreds of thousands of screening and diagnostic tests are conducted each year for Medicare beneficiaries at increased risk for HIV.
  • Without congressional action, payment for commonly used clinical laboratory tests for HIV will be cut by an additional 12-15 percent in 2025.



Congress passed the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) in 2014. The legislation was designed to align Medicare payment for clinical labs with prevailing market rates across the country. Unfortunately, the first round of market data was collected from less than one percent of the nation’s laboratories – far from representative of market rates. Congress’s scorekeeper, the Congressional Budget Office, originally projected $2.5 billion in cuts to reimbursement rates over 10 years if PAMA was implemented as Congress intended; however, the last three rounds of cuts have already reached $4 billion with a pending round of further cuts scheduled for January 2025.


Without congressional intervention this year, laboratories across the country will face tough decisions potentially reducing services offered to patients and curbing investment in the next generation of diagnostic tests. Physician offices may stop offering essential laboratory tests, and independent laboratories could be forced to close. These cuts will impact the most common laboratory tests in health care, including those used for the management of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and many other common and complex health conditions. In short, these scheduled Medicare cuts will undermine laboratory infrastructure essential for day-to-day care and critical to public health emergencies, while also stifling investment to advance innovative new screening and diagnostic tests.

Congress has acted on a bipartisan basis four times to “press the brakes” on harm caused by PAMA, and now is the time to put lab payment policy on the right trajectory for the long-term, with congressional action before the next round of cuts go into effect in January 2025. The outcome of these cuts is predictable: Delayed and disrupted care could lead to the worsening of health care status for at-risk and vulnerable seniors, ultimately resulting in higher costs for everyone, and undermining any potential cost-savings from uniform reimbursement.


The Solution Is Simple: Enact H.R. 2377 / S. 1000, the Saving Access to Laboratory Services Act (SALSA)

SALSA would simplify the data reporting process by providing the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) with the authority to collect data from a statistical sampling of all major types of laboratories that provide services to seniors, including independent, hospital, and physician office laboratories. Targeted sampling, as designed by SALSA, is a straightforward solution to collecting complete representative private market data to achieve accurate and sustainable Medicare rates for laboratory services. In the long-term, sustainability for lab reimbursement will support strong clinical laboratory infrastructure to protect public health and innovation in tomorrow’s diagnostics while providing robust access to improve patient health.




Tell Congress to stop Medicare cuts to clinical laboratory testing. is a campaign of the American Clinical Laboratory Association.

Stop Lab Cuts Campaign Update

On September 25, Congress passed the Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act, 2025, which secured a crucial one-year delay of Medicare cuts of up to 15 percent for around 800 laboratory services. These cuts were set to take effect in January 2025. Without this reprieve, patient access to essential diagnostic testing across the country would have been at risk, along with the advancement of diagnostic innovation.

ACLA deeply values the continued bipartisan, bicameral support from Congress in advocating for long-term payment reform. Stay tuned for updates on how you can help urge Congress to enact a permanent solution this year. Learn more here.

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